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发布日期:2024-05-12 10:39    点击次数:85

欧洲杯正规(买球)下单平台·中国官方全站   Bishnu Pukar Shrestha-欧洲杯正规(买球)下单平台·中国官方全站


The Yellow River nurtures the national beauty, and its heavenly fragrance is shared with the whole world. The 2024 Heze Peony International Communication Forum will be held on April 12th.


Bishnu Pukar Shrestha, Ambassador of Nepal to China, promoted Heze peony by saying, "I wish Chinese peonies will blossom worldwide, bringing their fragrance far and wide."


Focusing on the theme of "Deepening the Yellow River Culture and Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Peony Culture in International Communication," Dazhong Daily and Dazhong New Media"s major platforms will extensively cover the 2024 Heze Peony International Communication Forum. Through in-depth reports, short videos, illustrated posters, and other forms, Dazhong Media will endeavor to promote the rich connotation and contemporary value of the Yellow River and peony culture, as well as to highlight the influence of China"s Mother River and Chinese peony both domestically and internationally.

(各人日报·各人新闻客户端记者 杨庭栋 翻译 武玮佳)


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